1921 film
A Private Scandal is a 1921 American drama film directed by Chester M. Franklin and written by Eve Unsell. The film stars May McAvoy, Bruce Gordon, Ralph Lewis, Kathlyn Williams, Lloyd Whitlock, and Gladys Fox. The film was released on June 12, 1921, by Realart Pictures Corporation.[1][2][3]
A Private Scandal" is a 1931 crime drama film directed by Charles Hutchison. The plot centers on a sensational jewel robbery at the home of a Boston elite. Count Raymond d'Alencourt, with a history of jewel thefts, is arrested, but his accomplices escape with the stolen jewels. The story follows the accomplices, particularly Daniel Treve and a gang member who hide in Connecticut. One of them marries Mary Gate to facilitate smuggling the jewels into New York
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