The story simultaneously depicts the brutally interrupted love story between a Kosovo Serb and an Albanian girl, as well as attempts to make a feature film about it. A Film with No Name has been characterized by an unusual style and a large dose of irony, but it quickly fell into oblivion, which is attributed to the escalation of the political crisis in Yugoslavia and the anti-bureaucratic revolution, after which Karanović fell out of favor with Milošević's regime.
In a town in Kosovo, a Serbian-Albanian love story is brutally interrupted. A director from the capital city goes with a video camera to record the participants in the events, the work of investigative authorities, and the families of the lovers. The story unfolds through the interweaving of multiple layers: official television footage, personal video recordings of the director and his attempt to turn the material into a feature film. Everyone has their own perspective on this event, their own interpretation, and offers their advice for the best solution.