2010 film directed by Sam Garbarski
A Distant Neighborhood (French: Quartier Lointain) is a 2010 internationally co-produced fantasy film directed by Sam Garbarski. The screenplay, written by Garbarski alongside Jérôme Tonnerre and Philippe Blasband, was based on the manga of the same name by Jiro Taniguchi. The film stars Pascal Greggory, Jonathan Zaccaï, Alexandra Maria Lara and Léo Legrand, with Évelyne Didi, Lionel Abelanski and Tania Garbarski in supporting roles.
The film tells the story of Thomas Verniaz, a middle-aged family man who accidentally takes a train ride back to his old hometown and visits his mother's grave. Thomas is then transported back in time, and discovers that he's a teenager again, but with all of his adult memories intact.
A Distant Neighborhood was met with mostly positive reviews, with critics commending its faithfulness to the source material and the performances of its cast, particularly Zaccaï and Legrand. It received five nominations at the 2011 Magritte Awards, including Best Director for Garbarski, and went on to win Best Production Design for Véronique Sacrez.[1]
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