A Boy Called Po (also known as Po) is a 2016 American drama film directed by John Asher and written by Colin Goldman, based on a true story starring Christopher Gorham, Julian Feder, and Kaitlin Doubleday. When his wife dies of cancer, an overworked engineer struggles to care for his son with autism. In response to bullying, the young boy regresses into a fantasy world escape. The score for the film was composed by Burt Bacharach.[1][2][3]
RogerEbert.com states: "The intentions behind "A Boy Called Po" are not only good, but honorable."[4] Dove.org considers: "Po is an inspiring story about a committed father, David Wilson (Christopher Gorham), and his love and concern for his autistic son, Patrick, fondly called “Po”."[5] Movieguide.org states: "A Boy Called Po is an engaging, low budget movie with a strong, powerful climax. There are a few endings after the climax, but they each resolve several important issues. The heart of this movie is the relationship between the father and his son."[6]
^O'Malley, Sheila (September 1, 2017). "A Boy Called Po". www.roberebert.com. Archived from the original on October 31, 2019. Retrieved March 18, 2020.
^Carpenter, Edwin (April 26, 2016). "A Boy Called Po". dove.org. Retrieved March 18, 2020.