The film follows the story of teenage birders who go on a road trip to find the (possibly) extinct Labrador duck. It was based on Rob Meyer's short film "Aquarium" which won an Honorable Mention at Sundance in 2008. Kenn Kaufman was an ornithological consultant and appears in the film at approximately 74 minutes.
The film opened to very positive reviews from critics.[6] It holds a 90% on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 21 reviews. The New York Times described it as a "smart, likeable, coming of age film [...] an eye opener for anyone who takes the everyday natural world for granted."[7]USA Today wrote that "not since Rob Reiner's Stand by Me has such a compelling rite-of-passage film emerged."[8]
The Guardian wrote that "you don't have to be a birder to enjoy it. The movie shows that seeking the rare and elusive is often more than just a physical quest; it also is a spiritual journey that changes the seeker."[9]