During the opening ceremony, designer Aram Nikolyan who worked on the show, ran out of the front rows and set fire to the flag of Azerbaijan. Media reported the event in the context of rising tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the Lachin corridor[8][9][10]which has been blockaded by Azeris and is the only road that connects the ethnically Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh to the outside world. The flag burning followed fighting between the two countries near the Lachin corridor which left soldiers dead on both sides.[10] Nikolyan was detained and the flag was replaced.[11] Azerbaijan recalled its team after the incident.[12] Armenian officials condemned the incident and a criminal investigation was opened against Nikolyan.[13] The European Weightlifting Federation also condemned the incident.[4]
Turkish athlete Bayav Pallinsu competing in up to 49 kg category lost consciousness at the attempt of raising the barbell and had to be given first aid. [14]
^"Azerbaijan weightlifters leave Armenia after flag burned". euronews. 15 April 2023. Retrieved 22 April 2023. Animosity between Armenia and Azerbaijan has risen in recent months with the blockade of the only road leading from Armenia to the ethnically Armenian region of Nagorno-Karabakh within Azerbaijan.