Album of the Year
Hit of the Year
Artist pop national
Female artist pop national
Artist international
Female artist international
Band pop national
Band international
Hip-hop/urban national
Rock national
Dance national
Folk Music
Producer national
Other nominees
- Thorsten Brötzmann, Martin Fliegenschmidt, David Gold,
Robin Grubert, Andreas Herbig, Patrick Salmy, Silverjam & Ali Zuckowski: Helene Fischer – Helene Fischer
- Julian Otto, Bounce Brothers, The Cratez, Jugglerz & reezy: Bausa – Powerbausa
- B-Case, Beatzarre, Djorkaeff, Andreas Herbig, Paul NZA,
Yvan Peacemaker, Marek Pompetzki, Patrick Salmy: Adel Tawil – So schön anders
- Lex Lugner, Minhtendo, OZ, Alexis Troy: RIN – Eros
Newcomer national
Newcomer International
Best video national
Critics’ Award national
Lifetime Achievement Award
Partner of the year
- Alexander Schulz / Reeperbahn Festival
Commercial partner of the year
Social commitment
- Benefiz-Festival Peace by Peace of Fetsum Sebhat
- Tedros "Teddy" Twelde