Previous affiliation
New affiliation
21 September 1998
Belfast North
Fraser Agnew
Ind. Unionist
United Unionist Coalition
Fraser Agnew established a new political party to access facilities provided to Assembly parties.
21 September 1998
East Londonderry
Boyd Douglas
Ind. Unionist
United Unionist Coalition
Boyd Douglas established a new political party to access facilities provided to Assembly parties.
21 September 1998
Upper Bann
Denis Watson
Ind. Unionist
United Unionist Coalition
Denis Watson established a new political party to access facilities provided to Assembly parties.
4 January 1999
Cedric Wilson
UK Unionist
Ind. Unionist
Cedric Wilson left the UKUP in response to proposals from Robert McCartney to resign their Assembly seats in opposition to Sinn Féin participating in the Executive.
4 January 1999
South Antrim
Norman Boyd
UK Unionist
Ind. Unionist
Norman Boyd left the UKUP in response to proposals from Robert McCartney to resign their Assembly seats in opposition to Sinn Féin participating in the Executive.
4 January 1999
Lagan Valley
Patrick Roche
UK Unionist
Ind. Unionist
Patrick Roche left the UKUP in response to proposals from Robert McCartney to resign their Assembly seats in opposition to Sinn Féin participating in the Executive.
4 January 1999
East Antrim
Roger Hutchinson
UK Unionist
Ind. Unionist
Roger Hutchinson left the UKUP in response to proposals from Robert McCartney to resign their Assembly seats in opposition to Sinn Féin participating in the Executive.
24 March 1999
Cedric Wilson
Ind. Unionist
NI Unionist
Cedric Wilson established the NIUP having recently left the UKUP.
24 March 1999
South Antrim
Norman Boyd
Ind. Unionist
NI Unionist
Norman Boyd established the NIUP having recently left the UKUP.
24 March 1999
Lagan Valley
Patrick Roche
Ind. Unionist
NI Unionist
Patrick Roche established the NIUP having recently left the UKUP.
24 March 1999
East Antrim
Roger Hutchinson
Ind. Unionist
NI Unionist
Roger Hutchinson established the NIUP having recently left the UKUP.
1 December 1999
East Antrim
Roger Hutchinson
NI Unionist
Ind. Unionist
Roger Hutchinson expelled from the NIUP for sitting on Assembly committees against party policy.
5 July 2000
Upper Bann
Denis Watson
United Unionist Coalition
Denis Watson joined the DUP.
2 November 2001
East Londonderry
Pauline Armitage
Ind. Unionist
Pauline Armitage suspended from the UUP for voting against the party whip.
9 November 2001
North Down
Peter Weir
Ind. Unionist
Peter Weir expelled from the UUP for refusing to support the re-nomination of David Trimble as First Minister.
1 April 2002
East Antrim
Roger Hutchinson
Ind. Unionist
Roger Hutchinson joined the DUP.
30 April 2002
North Down
Peter Weir
Ind. Unionist
Peter Weir joined the DUP.
11 November 2002
North Antrim
Gardiner Kane
Ind. Unionist
Gardiner Kane resigned from the DUP.
1 April 2003
Annie Courtney
Ind. Nationalist
Annie Courtney resigned from the SDLP after not being re-selected by the party as a candidate for the 2003 Assembly election.
12 June 2003
East Londonderry
Pauline Armitage
Ind. Unionist
UK Unionist
Pauline Armitage resigned her membership of UUP and joined the UKUP.
18 October 2003
East Antrim
Roger Hutchinson
Ind. Unionist
Roger Hutchinson resigned from the DUP to contest the 2003 Assembly election as an independent unionist.