1970 Simon Fraser Clan football team
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Halaman ini berisi artikel tentang provinsi Banten. Untuk kegunaan lain, lihat Banten (disambiguasi). Banten BantamProvinsiTranskripsi bahasa Sunda • Aksara Sundaᮘᮔ᮪ᮒᮨᮔ᮪ • Pegonبنتٓن • Romanisasi bahasa SundaBantenDari atas ke bawah: Bandar Udara Internasional Soekarno–Hatta, Masjid Agung Banten, Pantai Carita, Tanjung Lesung, Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon, Desa wisata Sawarna, Pelabuhan Merak, Desa Wisata Suku Badui BenderaLambangMot...

Strada statale 406di CerviniaDenominazioni successiveStrada regionale 46 della Valtournenche LocalizzazioneStato Italia Regioni Valle d'Aosta DatiClassificazioneStrada statale InizioChâtillon FineBreuil-Cervinia Lunghezza27,000[1] km Provvedimento di istituzioneD.M. 23/07/1962 - G.U. 236 del 19/09/1962[2] GestoreTratte ANAS: nessuna (dal 1994 la gestione è passata alla Regione Valle d'Aosta) Manuale La ex strada statale 406 di Cervinia (SS 406), ora strada regional...

PT Hotel Indonesia NatourNama dagangHospitality of Indonesia Network (korporat)Hotel Indonesia Group (jaringan hotel)SebelumnyaPT Hotel Indonesia Internasional(1962-1999)JenisAnak perusahaan BUMNIndustriPariwisataDidirikan5 Agustus 1962; 61 tahun lalu (1962-08-05)KantorpusatJakarta, IndonesiaCabangLihat lokasiWilayah operasiIndonesiaTokohkunciChristine Hutabarat[1](Direktur Utama)Bonny Anang Dwijanto[1](Komisaris Utama)ProdukHotelMerekMeruTruntumKhasPendapatanRp 698,7 mil...

Rees Howell Gronow (1794 – 22 November 1865), Captain Gronow, was a Welsh Grenadier Guards officer, an unsuccessful parliamentarian, a dandy and a writer of celebrated reminiscences. Origins and education He was the eldest son of William Gronow of Court Herbert, Neath, Glamorganshire, who died in 1830, by Anne, only daughter of Rees Howell of Gwrrhyd. He was born on 7 May 1794, and was educated at Eton, where he was intimate with Shelley. Army career On 24 December 1812 he rec...

Artikel ini terlalu bergantung pada referensi dari sumber primer. Mohon perbaiki artikel ini dengan menambahkan sumber sekunder atau tersier. (Pelajari cara dan kapan saatnya untuk menghapus pesan templat ini) Samsung C&T Corporation삼성물산Nama asli삼성물산 (三星物産)JenisPublikKode emitenKRX: 028260IndustriKonstruksiPerusahaan perdaganganModeResortDidirikan1938; 86 tahun lalu (1938)PendiriLee Byung-chulKantorpusatSamsung C&T Corporation 123, Olympic-ro 35-gil, Songp...

Untuk region, lihat Region Bratislava. BratislavaIbu kotaMontase kota Bratislava. Dari kiri atas ke kanan: Pemandangan Bratislava, Pemandangan Kota Tua Bratislava, Distrik Keuangan Bratislava, Jalan Kota Tua Bratislava, Gereja Biru, Istana Grassalkovich. BenderaLambang kebesaranWordmarkJulukan: Beauty on the Danube, Little Big City, BlavaBratislavaLokasi Bratislava di SlowakiaTampilkan peta SlovakiaBratislavaBratislava (Bratislava Region)Tampilkan peta Bratislava RegionBratislavaBratisla...

Emission of light by a living organism Not to be confused with Iridescence, Structural coloration, or Phosphorescence. Flying and glowing firefly, Photinus pyralis Female glowworm, Lampyris noctiluca Male and female of the species Lampyris noctiluca mating. The female of this species is a larviform and has no wings, unlike the male. Video of a bioluminescent beetle Elateroidea Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by living organisms. It is a form of chemiluminescence. Biolu...

Film archive in South Korea This article is about the film archive. For other uses, see Kofa (disambiguation). Korean Film ArchiveHeadquarters (2019)TypeGovernmental, nonprofitPurposePreservation of Korean cinemaHeadquarters400 WorldCupbuk-ro, Mapo District, Seoul, South KoreaParent organizationMinistry of Culture, Sports and TourismWebsiteeng.koreafilm.or.kr/main (in English)Korean nameHangul한국영상자료원Hanja韓國映像資料院Revised RomanizationHanguk yeongsang jaryowonMcCune–...

Order of fishes SqualiformesTemporal range: Late Jurassic–Recent[1] PreꞒ Ꞓ O S D C P T J K Pg N Pacific spiny dogfish, Squalus suckleyi Scientific classification Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Chondrichthyes Subclass: Elasmobranchii Clade: Neoselachii Subdivision: Selachimorpha Superorder: Squalomorphii Order: SqualiformesGoodrich, 1909 Type species Squalus acanthiasLinnaeus, 1758 Sharks portal The Squaliformes /ˌskwɒlɪˈfɔːrmiːz/ are an order ...
Tallest building in the U.S. state of Missouri One Kansas City PlaceGeneral informationStatusCompletedTypeCommercial officesLocation1200 Main StKansas City, MissouriCoordinates39°05′59″N 94°35′01″W / 39.099714°N 94.583729°W / 39.099714; -94.583729Construction started1985; 39 years ago (1985)Completed1988; 36 years ago (1988)CostUS$140 millionOwnerExecutive Hills Management Inc.HeightAntenna spire199.3 m (654 ft)...

Voce principale: Inferno (Divina Commedia). Il conte Ugolino, immaginato da William Blake Il canto trentatreesimo dell'Inferno di Dante Alighieri si svolge nella seconda e nella terza zona del nono cerchio, nella ghiaccia del Cocito, dove sono puniti rispettivamente i traditori della patria e del partito e i traditori degli ospiti; siamo nel pomeriggio del 9 aprile 1300 (Sabato Santo), o secondo altri commentatori del 26 marzo 1300. Indice 1 Incipit 2 Analisi del canto 2.1 Il racconto del co...

SD KintelanNama sebagaimana tercantum dalamSistem Registrasi Nasional Cagar Budaya Cagar budaya IndonesiaKategoriBangunanNo. RegnasCB.237 (Peraturan Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Republik Indonesia No. PM.89/PW.007/MKP/2011)LokasikeberadaanJalan Brigjend Katamso No. 163, Kalurahan Keparakan, Kemantrén Mergangsan, Kota Yogyakarta, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa YogyakartaTanggal SK17 Oktober 2011PemilikSekolah Dasar Negeri Kintelan IPengelolaKementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknol...

Diocese of the Episcopal Church in the United States This article is about the Episcopal diocese. For the Catholic archdiocese, see Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark. Diocese of NewarkDiœcesis NewarkensisLocationCountryUnited StatesTerritorynorthern third of New JerseyEcclesiastical provinceProvince IIStatisticsCongregations94 (2022)Members18,743 (2022)InformationDenominationEpiscopal ChurchEstablished1874CathedralTrinity & St. Philip's CathedralLanguageEnglish, Korean, Malayalam, Spa...


Management personnel of a military unit Staff officer redirects here. For officers in a staff corps, see United States Navy staff corps. Staff office redirects here. For the ceremonial weapon, see staff of office. General staff redirects here. For general staff within academic institutions, see Academic administration. General Staff redirects here. For specific General Staff of a country, see General Staff (disambiguation). Staff meeting of the U.S. 112th Regimental Combat Team in Arawe with ...

Administrative unit of ancient Japan Hokurikudō is also the abbreviated name of the Hokuriku Expressway Hokurikudō. Hokurikudō (北陸道, literally, northern land circuit or northern land region) is a Japanese geographical term.[1] It means both an ancient division of the country[2] and the main road running through the old Japanese geographical region.[3] Both were situated along the northwestern edge of Honshū. The name literally means 'North Land Way'. It also ...

Pour les articles homonymes, voir Saint-Maurice. Rivière Saint-Maurice Flottage de bois, Saint-Jean-des-Piles (Secteur), Shawinigan 1994 Tracé du cours d'eau et de ses principaux affluents.[1] Caractéristiques Longueur 563 km Bassin 42 735 km2 Bassin collecteur Estuaire fluvial du Saint-Laurent Débit moyen 730 m3/s Régime Pluvio-nival Cours Source Réservoir Gouin (Lac du Mâle) · Localisation La Tuque · Altitude 405 m · Coordonnées 48° 35′ 07...

Pour les articles homonymes, voir Mobile et BFM. Mobile De haut en bas et de gauche à droite : Pincus Building, Old City Hall, Fort Condé, Barton Academy, Cathédrale de l'Immaculée-Conception de Mobile et panorama du centre-ville de Mobile depuis le fleuve Mobile. Administration Pays États-Unis État Alabama Comté Mobile Type de localité City Maire Mandat Sandy Stimpson 2017-2021 Code ZIP 36601-36613, 36615-36619, 36621-36622, 36625, 36628, 36630, 36633, 36640-36641, 36644, 33652...

2005 studio album by Raging SpeedhornHow the Great Have FallenStudio album by Raging SpeedhornReleasedMay 24, 2005Recordedat New Rising StudioGenreSludge metalLength62:03LabelSPVProducerMark Daghorn, Raging SpeedhornRaging Speedhorn chronology Live and Demos(2004) How the Great Have Fallen(2005) Before The Sea Was Built(2007) Professional ratingsReview scoresSourceRatingAllMusic [1]Blabbermouth.net[2]Chronicles of Chaos[3] How the Great Have Fallen is the thir...