The 9th Annual International Stoke Mandeville Games, retroactively designated as the 1960 Summer Paralympics, were the first international Paralympic Games, following on from the Stoke Mandeville Games of 1948 and 1952. They were organised under the aegis of the International Stoke Mandeville Games Federation.[1] The term "Paralympic Games" was approved by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) first in 1984,[2] while the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) was formed in 1989.
Dr. Ludwig Guttmann, the founder of the Stoke Mandeville Games along with Antonio Maglio, head of the Spinal Centre in Rome organised the event which was the first Stoke Mandeville Games to be held outside the UK.[7][8]
The information from the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) website is based on sources which does not present all information from earlier paralympic games (1960–1984), such as relay and team members.[1] (Per Apr.17, 2011)