1949–1950 Massachusetts legislature
Chester Dolan, Senate president.
Harris Richardson, Senate president.
Tip O'Neill, House speaker.
Leaders of the Massachusetts General Court, 1949-1950.
The 156th Massachusetts General Court , consisting of the Massachusetts Senate and the Massachusetts House of Representatives , met in 1949 and 1950 during the governorship of Paul A. Dever . Chester A. Dolan Jr. and Harris S. Richardson served as presidents of the Senate. Thomas P. O'Neill served as speaker of the House.[ 4]
In 1949, after 90 years of Republican control of the House, Democrats gained a majority.[ 5] In 1950, the General Court passed a bill prohibiting racial discrimination or segregation in housing.[ 6]
name [ 4]
date of birth [ 7]
district [ 7]
Philip Griggs Bowker
April 17, 1899
Ralph Vester Clampit
March 28, 1896
1st Hampden
John W. Coddaire Jr.
Michael H. Condron
James J. Corbett
November 27, 1896
Leslie Bradley Cutler
March 24, 1890
Chester A. Dolan Jr.
September 20, 1907
George Jelly Evans
February 4, 1909
Michael A. Flanagan
February 21, 1890
William Daniel Fleming
April 14, 1907
Richard I. Furbush
January 4, 1904
William C. Geary
October 29, 1899
Joseph Francis Gibney
January 9, 1911
Cornelius F. Haley
July 15, 1875
Charles V. Hogan
April 12, 1897
Newland H. Holmes
August 30, 1891
Charles John Innes
June 1, 1901
William Joseph Keenan
Richard Henry Lee
December 20, 1901
Ralph Lerche
August 19, 1899
Michael LoPresti
June 25, 1908
John D. Mackay
April 7, 1872
Ralph Collins Mahar
January 4, 1912
Harry P. McAllister
April 25, 1880
Joseph A. Melley
March 1, 1902
Charles Gardner Miles
December 2, 1879
William E. Nolen
Daniel Francis O'Brien
Francis J. O'Neil
Charles William Olson
August 24, 1889
Edward C. Peirce
March 7, 1895
Christopher H. Phillips
December 6, 1920
John E. Powers
November 10, 1910
Harris S. Richardson
January 10, 1887
George W. Stanton
Edward William Staves
May 9, 1887
Edward C. Stone
June 29, 1878
Charles I. Taylor
November 25, 1899
William Emmet White
June 1, 1900
Sumner G. Whittier
July 4, 1911
name [ 4]
date of birth [ 7]
district [ 7]
Frank Haskell Allen
October 12, 1877
7th Worcester
Richard James Allen
June 22, 1909
Horace Thurber Aplington
John A. Armstrong
June 12, 1901
Charles J. Artesani
John George Asiaf
June 30, 1900
Joseph A. Aspero
Josiah Babcock Jr.
May 21, 1880
Everett Breed Bacheller
August 24, 1895
Earle S. Bagley
January 20, 1905
Cyrus Barnes
August 23, 1889
Michael J. Batal
September 8, 1898
James C. Bayley
October 28, 1908
Raymond H. Beach
August 11, 1888
Angelo Vincent Berlandi
G. Leo Bessette
September 23, 1906
Rodolphe G. Bessette
September 14, 1911
Charles A. Bisbee Jr.
June 8, 1918
Fred Arthur Blake
January 13, 1895
Belden Bly
September 29, 1914
Frank Edwin Boot
November 8, 1905
Everett Murray Bowker
September 17, 1901
Gerald Timothy Bowler
Gordon Dickson Boynton
August 9, 1901
Manassah E. Bradley
September 15, 1900
Jeremiah Francis Brennan
Daniel Joseph Bresnahan
September 30, 1888
John Cornelius Bresnahan
November 14, 1919
Clarence B. Brown
December 22, 1877
Frank Eben Brown
January 14, 1890
John D. Brown
January 30, 1900
John Brox
November 16, 1910
James J. Bruin
October 31, 1898
James A. Burke (Massachusetts politician)
March 30, 1910
Harland Burke
April 22, 1888
Philip Courtland Burr
Oscar Josiah Cahoon
April 29, 1912
Colin James Cameron
August 24, 1879
Eldridge Earl Campbell
Harold Wilson Canavan
May 13, 1915
William F. Carr
August 4, 1910
Daniel Casey
May 7, 1890
Francis X. Casey
Michael Catino
February 21, 1904
Harrison Chadwick
February 25, 1903
Wendell Phillips Chamberlain
October 28, 1911
Philip Aloysius Chapman
Thomas Francis Coady Jr.
May 8, 1905
John F. Collins
July 20, 1919
10th Suffolk
Dana S. Collins
J. Everett Collins
April 27, 1894
James Francis Condon
February 4, 1899
Joseph T. Conley
Louis Benedict Connors
T. Edward Corbett
Leo Joseph Cournoyer
December 11, 1905
George Chauncey Cousens
September 20, 1905
William A. Cowing
January 6, 1878
James J. Craven, Jr.
March 24, 1919
Walter A. Cuffe
January 29, 1898
Joseph Henry Cullen
John G. Curley
Sidney Curtiss
September 4, 1917
George Walter Dean
Ernest DeRoy
July 13, 1889
Edward DeSaulnier
January 8, 1921
Cornelius Desmond
October 4, 1893
Logan Rockwell Dickie
May 4, 1890
Vincent B. Dignam
February 22, 1896
William T. Dillon Jr.
Edmund Dinis
October 4, 1924
William P. Di Vitto
Thomas J. Doherty
August 25, 1919
Francis Clifton Dolan
Maurice A. Donahue
September 12, 1918
Edmond J. Donlan
December 19, 1899
Anthony R. Doyle
August 8, 1895
Charles D. Driscoll
June 18, 1888
Henry M. Duggan
October 5, 1896
Ernest W. Dullea
January 14, 1891
Philip J. Durkin
October 21, 1903
Thomas Edward Enright
August 1, 1881
Andrew E. Faulkner
September 23, 1913
Michael Paul Feeney
March 26, 1907
Charles E. Ferguson
January 30, 1894
John Charles Fiore
Maurice Edward Fitzgerald
Peter F. Fitzgerald
February 16, 1889
John J. Fitzpatrick
Norman Eugene Folsom
December 23, 1903
Stephen L. French
March 9, 1892
George Fuller
July 24, 1893
Francis Thomas Gallagher
John L. Gallant
Peter B. Gay
July 13, 1915
Charles Gibbons
July 21, 1901
Frank S. Giles
June 15, 1915
Avery W. Gilkerson
June 5, 1899
Louis Harry Glaser
June 15, 1910
William A. Glynn
Hollis M. Gott
May 25, 1885
Joseph Patrick Graham
August 22, 1902
Thomas T. Gray
July 22, 1892
George Greene
March 7, 1897
Frederick C. Haigis
May 10, 1903
Frederick Clement Hailer Jr.
James Edward Hannon
Francis Appleton Harding
Fred C. Harrington
April 21, 1902
William E. Hays
November 28, 1903
Charles W. Hedges
March 27, 1901
James Alan Hodder
Charles F. Holman
June 21, 1892
J. Philip Howard
February 16, 1907
Richard Lester Hull
November 30, 1917
Nathaniel M. Hurwitz
March 24, 1893
Fred A. Hutchinson
April 5, 1881
William Whittem Jenness
April 3, 1904
Adolph Johnson
July 20, 1885
Ernest A. Johnson
March 13, 1897
Stanley Everett Johnson
October 4, 1911
Allan Francis Jones
June 29, 1921
Peter John Jordan
July 23, 1910
Francis Xavier Joyce
Charles Kaplan
September 26, 1895
Clarence Karelitz
Warren Charles Karner
Henry E. Keenan
Alfred B. Keith
November 26, 1893
Francis Joseph Kelley
March 21, 1890
Thomas E. Key
Cornelius F. Kiernan
August 15, 1917
Philip Kimball
June 6, 1918
Bernard M. Lally
Edmund Vincent Lane
August 31, 1893
Joseph F. Leahy
Francis W. Lindstrom
December 18, 1898
Louis Lobel
August 10, 1911
Gerald P. Lombard
January 4, 1916
William Longworth
August 17, 1914
Raymond Joseph Lord
C. Gerald Lucey
September 8, 1913
John F. Lynch
January 26, 1890
John Pierce Lynch
April 19, 1924
Arthur Ulton Mahan
June 18, 1900
Vincent Ambrose Mannering
July 11, 1912
Philip M. Markley
March 28, 1897
George Francis Martin Jr.
Michael J. McCarthy (politician)
October 23, 1890
Frank D. McCarthy
Paul Andrew McCarthy
December 23, 1902
Joseph F. McEvoy Jr.
April 27, 1918
Timothy J. McInerney
Francis H. McNamara
William E. McNamara
Joseph A. Milano
April 8, 1883
Sherman Miles
December 5, 1882
Arthur William Milne
March 28, 1908
Wilfred S. Mirsky
September 14, 1906
Charles A. Mullaly Jr.
September 28, 1910
Edward J. Mulligan
February 8, 1907
Robert F. Murphy (politician)
January 24, 1899
Cornelius Joseph Murray
August 19, 1890
Harold Clinton Nagle
July 27, 1917
Louis K. Nathanson
James Anthony O'Brien
October 27, 1886
William Thomas O'Brien
December 2, 1889
John Henry O'Connor Jr.
December 9, 1917
James O'Dea Jr.
August 25, 1922
George Henry O'Farrell
November 15, 1910
Louis F. O'Keefe
June 12, 1895
Tip O'Neill
December 9, 1912
John J. O'Rourke
June 26, 1916
Frank B. Oliveira
Harold A. Palmer
October 15, 1906
Raymond P. Palmer
December 27, 1895
Anthony Parenzo
Eben Parsons
Clark Brownson Partridge
August 26, 1878
Charles Louis Patrone
March 17, 1914
Antone Perreira
Michael P. Pessolano
Henry W. Pickford
Gabriel Piemonte
January 28, 1909
Patrick Francis Plunkett
March 21, 1917
George William Porter
November 6, 1885
Harvey Armand Pothier
September 6, 1901
Meyer Pressman
February 11, 1907
Harold Putnam (Massachusetts politician)
February 15, 1916
Andrew P. Quigley
January 13, 1926
Philip Andrew Quinn
February 21, 1910
George E. Rawson
December 6, 1886
Thomas Francis Reilly
August 12, 1903
Hibbard Richter
April 12, 1899
Joseph N. Roach
March 22, 1883
Albert E. Roberts
November 22, 1875
Daniel Rudsten
Richard August Ruether
August 28, 1896
Howard S. Russell
July 28, 1887
Kendall Ainsworth Sanderson
William Henry Sears Jr.
July 14, 1875
A. John Serino
March 13, 1906
John M. Shea
December 8, 1902
Arthur Joseph Sheehan
March 16, 1897
Robert T. Sisson
February 21, 1881
Michael F. Skerry
January 3, 1909
Charles J. Skladzien
Roy C. Smith
January 28, 1890
H. Edward Snow
April 25, 1914
Margaret Spear
August 10, 1882
Jeremiah Joseph Sullivan
March 9, 1905
Ralph Warren Sullivan
William F. Sullivan
August 26, 1905
Joseph A. Sylvia Jr.
September 16, 1903
Edmond Talbot Jr.
June 1, 1898
Clarence F. Telford
John F. Thompson (politician)
May 20, 1920
Nathaniel Tilden
November 3, 1903
Robert Xavier Tivnan
June 9, 1924
Harold Tompkins
August 23, 1887
John Joseph Toomey
March 25, 1909
James Joseph Twohig Jr.
May 2, 1908
Earle Stanley Tyler
December 18, 1896
Mario Umana
May 5, 1914
Theodore Jack Vaitses
May 8, 1901
John W. Vaughan
March 20, 1878
William X. Wall
July 1, 1904
Joseph Francis Walsh
February 9, 1907
Joseph D. Ward
March 26, 1914
John Cummings Webster Jr.
Norman F. Wellen
Malcolm Stuart White
Howard J. Whitmore Jr.
May 9, 1905
John S. Whittemore
Henry D. Winslow
September 24, 1910
Stanislaus George Wondolowski
August 20, 1909
Albert E. Wood
Lawrence Theodore Woolfenden
Alton Hamilton Worrall
April 20, 1893
Arthur Eaton Young
See also
^ "Length of Legislative Sessions" . Manual for the Use of the General Court . Boston: Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 2009. p. 348+.
^ a b "Composition of the Massachusetts State Senate" , Resources on Massachusetts Political Figures in the State Library , Mass.gov, archived from the original on June 6, 2020
^ a b "Composition of the State of Massachusetts House of Representatives" , Resources on Massachusetts Political Figures in the State Library , Mass.gov, archived from the original on June 6, 2020
^ a b c 1949–1950 Public Officers of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts . 1949 – via Internet Archive .
^ John F. Parker (1985), "Evolution of Massachusetts Party Government (1630's-1980's)" , Legislative Life, Its Realities, Facts, Wit & Humor , New Legislators' Orientation, State House, Boston
^ Vale, Lawrence J. (2000). From the Puritans to the Projects: Public Housing and Public Neighbors . Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press . pp. 301– 302. ISBN 978-0674025752 .
^ a b c d "Annual Register of the Executive and Legislative Departments of the Government of Massachusetts, 1949" (PDF) , Journal of the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts – via State Library of Massachusetts
Further reading
Court, Massachusetts General (1949). Manual for the Use of the General Court . Boston: Commonwealth of Massachusetts. hdl :2452/40789 .
External links
Massachusetts General Court, Bills (Legislative Documents) and Journals: 1949 , hdl :2452/219471
Massachusetts Acts and Resolves: 1949 , hdl :2452/54342
Massachusetts General Court, Bills (Legislative Documents) and Journals: 1950 , hdl :2452/238754
Massachusetts Acts and Resolves: 1950 , hdl :2452/50975
Berkshire, Hampshire, Franklin, and Hampden
Bristol and Norfolk
Bristol and Plymouth: 1st , 2nd
Cape and Islands
Essex: 1st , 2nd , 3rd
Essex and Middlesex: 1st , 2nd
Hampden and Hampshire: 1st , 2nd
Hampshire, Franklin and Worcester
Middlesex: 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th
Middlesex and Norfolk: 1st , 2nd
Middlesex and Suffolk
Middlesex and Worcester
Norfolk, Bristol and Middlesex
Norfolk, Bristol and Plymouth
Norfolk and Plymouth
Norfolk and Suffolk
Plymouth and Barnstable
Plymouth and Bristol: 1st , 2nd
Plymouth and Norfolk
Suffolk: 1st , 2nd
Suffolk and Middlesex: 1st , 2nd
Worcester: 1st , 2nd
Worcester, Hampden, Hampshire and Middlesex
Worcester and Middlesex
Worcester and Norfolk
Obsolete districts
Barnstable Berkshire Bristol 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th Cape and Islands Essex
1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th ,
15th ,
16th ,
17th ,
18th Franklin Hampden 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th Hampshire Middlesex 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th ,
15th ,
16th ,
17th ,
18th ,
19th ,
20th ,
21st ,
22nd ,
23rd ,
24th ,
25th ,
26th ,
27th ,
28th ,
29th ,
30th ,
31st ,
32nd ,
33rd ,
34th ,
35th ,
36th ,
37th Norfolk
1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th ,
15th Plymouth 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th Suffolk 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th ,
15th ,
16th ,
17th ,
18th ,
19th Worcester 1st ,
2nd ,
3rd ,
4th ,
5th ,
6th ,
7th ,
8th ,
9th ,
10th ,
11th ,
12th ,
13th ,
14th ,
15th ,
16th ,
17th ,
18th Defunct districts
Legislative Executive Judicial Independent agencies Law