Landon won Maine by a margin of 13.97%, making it his best state in the Union, and with 55.49% of the popular vote, made it his second strongest state after nearby Vermont.[1] Landon achieved this despite losing two counties (Washington and York) that had voted for Herbert Hoover in 1932, as he made gains of up to ten percent in the rock-ribbed Yankee counties of Hancock, Lincoln and Waldo.
Maine had been one of only 6 states to vote to re-elect Hoover, the embattled incumbent Republican president, over FDR in the latter's 1932 landslide, and in 1936, it was one of only two states in the entire nation (along with nearby Vermont) to vote for Alf Landon over the wildly popular Roosevelt. Maine and Vermont ultimately would be the only states to reject FDR in all four of his presidential campaigns.
1936 United States presidential election in Maine[2]