1707 in architecture

List of years in architecture (table)
Buildings and structures+...

The year 1707 in architecture involved some significant events and new architectural works.


Buildings and structures


The Kollegienkirche, Salzburg, Austria




  1. ^ "Dientzenhofer Family". A Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, 2nd ed. (James Stevens Curl, ed.) OUP, 2006. ISBN 9780198606789
  2. ^ "Mines ParisTech L'hôtel de Vendôme". Paris Promeneurs. Retrieved 6 September 2024.
  3. ^ Magnocavalli, Francesco Ottavio entry (in Italian) by Gian Paolo Romagnani in the Enciclopedia Treccani
  4. ^ Stefan Hertzig: Johann George Schmiedt. In: Das Dresdner Bürgerhaus des Spätbarock 1738–1790 (in German). Dresden: Gesellschaft Historischer Neumarkt Dresden e. V. 2007. pp. 229–234. ISBN 3-9807739-4-9.
  5. ^ Ulrich Thieme, ed. (1913), "Dientzenhofer, Johann Leonhard", Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart (in German), vol. 9, Leipzig: E. A. Seemann