The plot revolves around Lewis, a seemingly ordinary man who kidnaps a woman named Cathy. Lewis holds Cathy captive in a soundproof 10x10-foot room in his home, and the reasons behind his actions become gradually revealed as the story unfolds.
Cathy, however, is not an easy victim. Despite being confined, she fights back against her captor, turning the tables on Lewis. As the tension escalates, the film explores the psychological and physical struggle between the captor and captive, unraveling the mystery behind Lewis' motivations and Cathy's resilience. The narrative takes unexpected turns, keeping viewers on edge as they discover the truth about the characters and the reasons for their harrowing ordeal.
The film was shot at West London Film Studios, London, and in Atlanta, Georgia.
The film has generally received positive reviews from critics with 67% on Rotten Tomatoes.[5] Noel Murray of the Los Angeles Times praised the performances and twists, but questioned some storytelling choices.[6]
On July 4, 2023, the film was the number 1 watched movie on Netflix in the UK.[7]