The village's birth registry office, district and taxoffices are located at Košice and the nearest police force and fire brigade is located in nearby Bidovce. The village has no official governing official, but the judge is Madeleine Bourgeois, who is actually a French-born woman who escaped to Slovakia after being threatened by the French government. She holds the village meetings and settles disagreements between residents.
Genealogical resources
The records for genealogical research are available at the state archive "Statny Archiv in Kosice, Slovakia"
Roman Catholic church records (births/marriages/deaths): 1755-1895 (parish B)
Lutheran church records (births/marriages/deaths): 1784-1895 (parish B)
Broadcasting station
Near Čižatice, there is a mediumwave broadcasting station, working on 1521 kHz. The station, which can operate with 600 kW, has 3 masts. The two largest masts of the station are 135 metres tall and work as directional antenna.