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Dedalu dafnah Salix pentandra Bay willow with early autumn colours, Kielder, NorthumberlandTumbuhanJenis buahkapsul Status konservasiRisiko rendahIUCN79927560 TaksonomiDivisiTracheophytaSubdivisiSpermatophytesKladAngiospermaeKladmesangiospermsKladeudicotsKladcore eudicotsKladSuperrosidaeKladrosidsKladfabidsOrdoMalpighialesFamiliSalicaceaeGenusSalixSpesiesSalix pentandra Linnaeus, 1753 lbs Salix pentandra, Dedalu dafnah, adalah spesies pohon dedalu yang berasal dari Eropa utara dan Asia u...

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Steven Arnold King (lahir 28 Mei 1949) adalah seorang politikus dan mantan pengusaha asal Amerika Serikat. Ia menjabat sebagai anggota DPR dari Iowa sejak 2003. Ia merupakan anggota Partai Republik Pranala luar Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Steve King (Iowa politician). Wikiquote memiliki koleksi kutipan yang berkaitan dengan: Steve King. Congressman Steve King Diarsipkan 2019-01-16 di Wayback Machine. official U.S. House website Steve King for Congress Diarsipkan 2018-03-06 di W...

Mass grave and memorial in Mikalayeva [be] Berezwecz-Taklinovo Death Road refers to the compelled evacuation and massacre of inmates from the prison in the village of Berezwecz [be] in occupied Poland (now part of Hlybokaye in Belarus). The liquidation of the prison, carried out by the NKVD after the German invasion of the USSR, began on the night of June 23-24, 1941, with the targeted execution in the prison's basements of inmates deemed particularly dangerous. The ...

العلاقات الفنزويلية الميانمارية فنزويلا ميانمار فنزويلا ميانمار تعديل مصدري - تعديل العلاقات الفنزويلية الميانمارية هي العلاقات الثنائية التي تجمع بين فنزويلا وميانمار.[1][2][3][4][5] مقارنة بين البلدين هذه مقارنة عامة ومرجعية للدولتين:...

Megamall ManadoLokasiManadoAlamatJl.Piere Tendean Boulevard Kawasan Megamas Manado Tanggal dibuka27 Januari 2004PengembangPT. Megasurya NusalestariSitus webwww.megamallmanado.com Megamall Manado merupakan mall yang pertama berdiri di tanah Nyiur Melambai dengan luas area sekitar 29,161 m2. Memiliki lokasi yang berada di tengah kawasan 1000 pengusaha, Kawasan Megamas, dimana menjadikan Megamall Manado sebagai pilar perbelanjaan yang paling diminati oleh Masyarakat Sulawesi Utara, khususnya war...

Voce principale: Bambini dell'Olocausto. I bambini di Selvino sono stati un gruppo di «circa 800 bambini e adolescenti ebrei», molti dei quali rimasti orfani e sopravvissuti alla seconda guerra mondiale e ai campi di sterminio nazisti, che tra il 1945 e il 1948 furono ospitati a Selvino sulle prealpi bergamasche della Val Seriana. Provenienti «da tutta Europa: dai campi, dalle foreste, dai monasteri e da altri luoghi in cui si erano nascosti», furono ospitati in un «edificio, noto come ...

Device used to secure an object A band clamp is a generic term for a holding device usually consisting of a strap of metal or cloth formed into a loop, with a mechanism to forcibly adjust the diameter, thereby exerting a squeezing force on an object within the loop.[1] A band clamp used to clamp a mitered picture frame. One type of band clamp known as a web clamp has a band usually made of nylon type cloth webbing. It can slip and stretch around irregularly shaped objects such as fram...

Waterperry Gardens Museum at Waterperry Gardens Waterperry Gardens are gardens with a museum in the village of Waterperry, near Wheatley, east of Oxford in Oxfordshire, England.[1][2] Description Beatrix Havergal (1901–1980) established in 1932 the Waterperry School of Horticulture, a school of horticulture for ladies, that continued until her retirement in 1971.[3] The story of the Waterperry school is told in the book Waterperry: A Dream Fulfilled by Ursula Maddy....

FAI Cup 1980-1981 Competizione FAI Cup Sport Calcio Edizione 60ª Organizzatore FAI Luogo Irlanda Partecipanti 20 Risultati Vincitore Dundalk(7º titolo) Secondo Sligo Rovers Cronologia della competizione 1979-1980 1981-1982 Manuale La stagione 1980-1981 è stata la sessantesima edizione della FAI Cup, principale competizione nazionale calcistica irlandese. Indice 1 Risultati 1.1 Primo turno 1.2 Turno intermedio 1.3 Quarti di finale 1.4 Semifinali 1.5 Finale 1.5.1 Formazion...

لمعانٍ أخرى، طالع ضريح الشيخ (توضيح).ضريح الشيخ زاهد الجيلانيمعلومات عامةنوع المبنى ضريحالمكان لاهيجان[1] المنطقة الإدارية مقاطعة لاهيجان البلد إيرانالاستعمال ضريح الصفة التُّراثيَّةتصنيف تراثي المعالم الوطنية الإيرانية[1] (1968 – ) معلومات أخرىالإحداثي�...

1986 single by the Human League This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Human The Human League song – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (August 2009) (Learn how and when to remove this message) HumanSingle by the Human Leaguefrom the album Crash Released11 August 1986[1]Recorde...

Statue d'Henri IV, sur le pont Neuf à Paris, et son piédestal. Un piédestal[1] (pluriel : piédestaux) est un support isolé qui sert à recevoir une colonne, une statue, un buste ou un grand objet d'art et d'ornement (vase, candélabre, stèle, fontaine). On parle de « piédouche » (de l’italien pieduccio) ou de « scabellon » pour désigner un petit piédestal, généralement destiné à recevoir un buste ou une statuette. Composants d'un piédestal Le piéd...

Lambang Komune Pierre-Levée. Pierre-LevéeNegaraPrancisArondisemenMeauxKantonLa Ferté-sous-JouarreAntarkomuneCommunauté de communes du Pays FertoisPemerintahan • Wali kota (2008-2014) Gérard Boisnier • Populasi1354Kode INSEE/pos77361 / 2 Population sans doubles comptes: penghitungan tunggal penduduk di komune lain (e.g. mahasiswa dan personil militer). Pierre-Levée merupakan sebuah komune di departemen Seine-et-Marne di region Île-de-France di utara-tengah P...

Ar-Raqqah الرقةNegara Suriah de jure Rojava de factoGubernuratAr-RaqqahDistrikAr-RaqqahNahiyahAr-RaqqahFounded244-242 SMLuas • Kota1.962 km2 (758 sq mi)Ketinggian245 m (804 ft)Populasi (2004) • Kota220.268 • Kepadatan110/km2 (290/sq mi) • Metropolitan338.773Zona waktuUTC+2 (EET) • Musim panas (DST)+3Kode area telepon22Situs webhttp://www.esyria.sy/eraqqa/ (Arab) Ar-Raqqah merupakan se...

Questa voce sull'argomento centri abitati della Tanzania è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Disambiguazione – Se stai cercando altri significati, vedi Mwanza (disambigua). Mwanzaward(SW) Mwanza(EN) Mwanza Mwanza – Veduta LocalizzazioneStato Tanzania RegioneMwanza DistrettoNyamagana, Ilemela TerritorioCoordinate2°31′S 32°53′E2°31′S, 32°53′E (Mwanza) Altitudine1 140 m s.l.m. Abitanti378 327 (2...

Nuun Ujol ChaakAjaw of TikalNuun Ujol Chaak's glyph.Berkuasabefore 657-c.679PendahuluPenguasa ke-24PenerusJasaw Chan K'awiil IKelahiranbefore 657Kematianc.679KeturunanJasaw Chan K'awiil IAyahK'inich Muwaan Jol II?IbuPuan Takhta JaguarAgamaMaya religion Nuun Ujol Chaak[N 1] juga dikenal sebagai Tengkorak Tameng dan Nun Bak Chak (sebelum 657-c.679) adalah seorang ajaw kota Maya Tikal. Ia bertakhta sebelum tahun 657 dan mungkin berkuasa sampai kematiannya.[1] Catatan ^ The ruler'...

Questa voce sull'argomento calciatori belgi è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Théodore NouwensNazionalità Belgio Altezza172 cm Peso66 kg Calcio RuoloDifensore Termine carriera1942 CarrieraSquadre di club1 1923-1942 Racing Mechelen? (?) Nazionale 1928-1933 Belgio23 (0) 1 I due numeri indicano le presenze e le reti segnate, per le sole partite di campionato.Il simbolo → indica...

Il latino volgare (in latino sermo vulgaris) è l'insieme delle varianti della lingua latina parlate dalle diverse popolazioni dell'Impero romano. La sua principale differenza rispetto al latino letterario è la maggiore influenza dei substrati linguistici locali e la mancanza di una codificazione legata alla scrittura. Indice 1 Caratteristiche 1.1 La crisi del III secolo e la nascita delle lingue romanze 2 Le fonti del latino volgare 3 Testimonianze scritte 3.1 Graffiti pompeiani 3.2 Ap...

Afghan politician and military official; Acting President of Afghanistan (1944-2014) Abdul Qadirعبد القادر دگروالQadir on the day after the Saur Revolution in ca. 1978Ambassador of Afghanistan to Poland[1]In office3 November 1986 – 13 April 1988PresidentBabrak KarmalMohammad NajibullahPreceded byMohammad Farouq KarmandSucceeded byNur Ahmad NuraMinister of DefenceIn office1982 – December 1984PresidentBabrak KarmalMohammad NajibullahPremierSultan Ali...