Birmingham – with display, notes, and parameter settings; note that these coordinates are also displayed at the top of this page.
وسائط الاحداثيات
The first unnamed parameter following the longitude is an optional string of coordinate parameters, separated by underscores. These parameters help GeoHack select suitable map resources, and they will become more important when Wikimaps becomes fully functional.
The dim: parameter defines the قطر (هندسة) of a viewing circle centered on the coordinate. While the default unit of measurement is metres, the km suffix may be appended to indicate kilometres.
GeoHack uses dim: to select a مقياس الرسم such that the viewing circle appears roughly 10 سنتيمتر (4 بوصة) in diameter on a 72 نقطة لكل بوصة computer monitor. If no dim:, type:, or scale: parameters are provided, GeoHack uses its default viewing circle of 30 كيلومتر (19 ميل).
الوسيط globe: يحدد كوكب، أو كوكب قزم، أو كويكب، أو قمر طبيعي بناءاً على الإحداثيات الموجودة.
القيمة الافتراضية هي الأرض(earth) والرموز الأخرى الممكن استخدامها هي:
For globes other than Earth، {{إحداثيات}} does not assume a specific reference system (in contrast with Earth's WGS84). Since the template defaults to east longitude، the |W| direction must be specified for globes that measure longitude westward. At the present time، only limited mapping is available for Mars and the Moon and none for other extraterrestrial bodies. For celestial coordinates، use {{سماء}} instead.