Niels Bohr
Lev Landau
Hermann von Helmholtz
Mayflower branches
Enrico Fermi
Friedrich Hasenöhrl
Eugene Wigner
Henry Augustus Rowland
Hideki Yukawa
فروع أخرى
Léon Van Hove
Ancient lineages
The Max Born academic genealogy leads to كارل فريدريش غاوس and then on to Otto Mencke. The Sommerfeld genealogy leads to Felix Klein and then to Otto Mencke (via Gauss) and غوتفريد لايبنتس. The Leibniz heritage، however، is due to the premature death of Klein's advisor، جوليوس بلكر، which forced a second supervisor for the final examination، namely رودولف ليبشيتز.
Another advisor line in continental Europe descends from Leibniz via among others، Poisson، Lagrange، the Bernoullis، and Euler.
The main American branch's lineage proceeds via von Helmholtz to Burchard de Volder.
Otto Mencke
Erhard Weigel
John Cranke
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