
Sēo Gambia

Gambia sēo Ēa
Gambie Fāna
Þēodlic cwide: "Progress, Peace, Prosperity"
(Englisc: "Framscipe, Friþ, Blǣd")
Folces gereord Nīƿu Englisc
Elles gereordas Mandigo, Fula
Ƿolof, Serer
Heafodstol Bancgul
Mæste Burg Serekunda
Brego Adama Barrow Foresittend
Bradnes 4,007 mīla in feoƿerscytum
Menniscu 1,882,450
Feoh Dalasi
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC±00:00, Africa/Banjul in winter
Eallic tid +1 in sumor
Þēodlic antefn For The Gambia Our Homeland
Sundorricehad 18 February 1965 of Bretƿarum
Wægnplatung WAG
Webbnamena tægl .gm
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande +220

Sēo Gambia is land on ƿesternum Affrican. Nearƿe is þis land, andlang Gambie ēa and on begen rīmum is Senegal þæt land. His hēafodstōl is Bancgul and ǣr ƿæs þæs tūnes nama Baþhyrst.

Gambia is dǣl þære Þēodacyneƿīse and man spricð Nīƿenglisc sprǣc.

Wiki letter w Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge hire helpan.
Land on Affrice

Algeria  • Angola  • Benin  • Botsƿana  • Burkina Faso  • Burundi  • Camerun  • Cead  • Cenia  • Cibuti  • Comorosrice  • Congoland  • Congoisce Cyneƿīse  • Elpendbānrīma  • Gabon  • Sēo Gambia  • Ghana  • Grēnenæs Īega  • Guinea  • Guinea-Bissau  • Guinea ðæs Emnihtes Circules‎  • Lesotho  • Liberia  • Libia  • Madagascar  • Malaƿi  • Mali  • Mauritania  • Mauritius  • Mosambice  • Middel Affricanisc Cyneƿīse  • Morocco  • Namibia  • Nigerland  • Nigeria  • Rƿanda  • Sambia  • Simbabƿe  • Sanctus Tomas and Principe  • Segscelliega  • Senegal  • Sierra Leone  • Sigelhearƿenaland  • Sōmalaland  • Sudan  • Sūðaffrica  • Sūþsudan  • Swasaland  • Tansania  • Togo  • Tunisia  • Uganda  • Ǣgypt  • Æriþrea