Hierdie lêer is 'n kandidaat om na Wikimedia Commons gekopieer te word.
Enige gebruiker mag hierdie oordrag uitvoer; verwys na en:Wikipedia:Moving files to Commons vir besonderhede.
As hierdie lêer probleme het met erkenning, kopiereg, of is andersinds ongeskik vir Commons, dan verwyder hierdie sjabloon en MOET NIE die lêer skuif nie; herhaalde oortreders kan geblokkeer word.
Other Instructions
- Endorse this file for transfer by adding
|human=<your username> to this Template.
- If this file is freely licensed, but otherwise unsuitable for Commons (e.g. out of Commons' scope, still copyrighted in the US), then replace this Template with
{{Do not move to Commons|reason=<Why it can't be moved>}}
- If you think that a local copy of this file should be retained, then replace this Template with
{{Keep local|reason=<Why a local copy is needed>}}
- Please ensure that the file has a properly descriptive and unambiguous name before transferring; see Wikipedia:File mover#What files should be renamed? for details.