Barringer, Tim, Jason Rosenfeld, and Alison Smith (2012). Pre-Raphaelites: Victorian Avant-Garde, London, England: Tate Publishing, ISBN978-1854379306
Bucher, Gregory (2004). "Review of Matthew Dickerson. 'Following Gandalf. Epic Battles and Moral Victory in The Lord of the Rings'", Journal of Religion & Society, 6, ISSN 1522-5658, webpage accessed 13 October 2007
Dickerson, Matthew (2003). Following Gandalf : epic battles and moral victory in the Lord of the rings, Grand Rapids, Mich. : Brazos Press, ISBN1-58743-085-1
Gaunt, William (1975). The Pre-Raphaelite Tragedy (edisi ke-rev.). London: Cape. ISBN0-224-01106-5.
Latham, David, Haunted Texts: Studies in Pre-Raphaelitism in Honour of William E. Fredeman, William Evan Fredeman, David Latham, eds, 2003, University of Toronto Press, ISBN0802036627, 9780802036629, google books
Pre-Raphaelite muralsDiarsipkan 2018-05-31 di Wayback Machine. in the Old Library at the Oxford Union. This podcast covers their painting. Oxford Brookes University has a series of podcasts on the Pre-Raphaelites in Oxford, with this one di YouTube dedicated to the Union murals.