Halaman ini memuat daftar universitas di Australia. Daftar ini tidak dimaksudkan sebagai suatu daftar yang lengkap atau selalu terbarui. Jika Anda melihat artikel yang seharusnya tercantum di sini, silakan sunting halaman ini dan tambahkan pranala ke artikel tersebut. Gunakan perubahan terkait untuk melihat perubahan terbaru dari artikel-artikel yang tercantum pada halaman ini.
- Universitas Charles Sturt, Bathurst, Wagga Wagga, Albury, Dubbo dan Orange
- Universitas Macquarie, Sydney
- University of New England, Armidale
- Universitas New South Wales, Sydney
- University of Newcastle, Newcastle and Ourimbah
- Universitas Southern Cross, Coffs Harbour, Lismore, Tweed Heads
- Universitas Sydney
- Universitas Teknologi Sydney
- Universitas Western Sydney
- Universitas Wollongong
Institusi pendidikan tinggi lainnya
- Australian Maritime College, Launceston, Tasmania
- Avondale College, Cooranbong, New South Wales
- Sydney Missionary and Bible College, New South Wales
- Wesley Institute for Ministry and the Arts, Sydney, New South Wales
- Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education, Northern Territory
- Holmes Institute
- Billy Blue College of Design, Sydney
- William Blue College of Hospitality Management, Sydney
- International College of Management, sydney
- JMC Academy
- Raffles College of Design
- UTS Insearch
- UNSW Foundation
- Taylor's College
- ANU College
Kelompok universitas
- Australian Vice-Chancellor's Committee - the peak Higher Education institution group.
- Group of Eight - the most prestigious universities.
- IRU Australia - universities that aim to have the prestige of their Group of Eight bretheren.
- Australian Technology Network - technically minded universities that promote themselves as offering more practical courses than the prestigious and trying-to-be-prestigious ones. Two of the Group of Eight were once "technical universities".
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